Serve Teams of Freedom
One of our three core values at Freedom is “Serve” and we’d love to have you join us to make a difference in our church and community. Click the button below to check out all of our serving opportunities!
Serve our Community
We make it simple for you to make a difference in the community.
Find ways to love, grow, and serve in our community through the button below.
Serve the World
Click here to see our list of missionaries and outreaches we support.
Freedom is passionate about supporting missionaries and their missions, both overseas and in the United States. We currently support over 100 missionaries and projects throughout the world to help reach people with the gospel! And, not only do we support our missionaries financially, we support them through prayer through our iConnect ministry. This ministry insures that all of our missionaries are connected to one of our Freedom members, which creates an opportunity not only to build better relationships, but also to provide a one-on-one prayer covering.
Freedom is also involved in short-term stateside and overseas mission trips every year. We believe they not only impact those being served; they provide life-changing experiences for those who serve.
Sunday, July 13th – Friday, July 18th
Here are the details:
Honduras Mission Trip
Kids Ark International
Cost: $1,650.00
For more information, email
Our Honduras 2025 Missions trip team will host a week-long Kids Camp, much like our Vacation Bible School. The team will also visit the local orphanage, participate in food distribution to families and have worship and prayer services with the people of Honduras. You’ll also spend a day experiencing the local market and the beauty of Honduras.
Spots are held on first-come, first-serve basis.