Easter Week | Easter Sunday: Jesus Is... | Part 1: My Hope

In this special Easter Sunday video, we celebrate the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus offers us the ultimate gift for hope - hope for forgiveness, hope for redemption, and hope for eternal life.

Join us as we explore the meaning of Easter and the ways in which Jesus is our hope. Through scripture, prayer, and reflection, we'll discover how the Easter story can transform our lives and give is a sense of purpose and joy that can only come from our risen Savior.

So, whether you're a long-time believer or just curious about the Christian faith, we invite you to join us this Easter as we celebrate the hope that we have in Jesus. Together, we'll discover the power of the resurrection and the incredible love that God has for each an every one of us.

Easter Week | Good Friday

Reflecting on the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, we see the depth of his sacrifice and the extent of his love for us. In Matthew 27:32-45, we read how Jesus was forsaken and left alone on the cross, crying out 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? But through his sacrifice, Jesus offers us eternal life and reminds us that we will never be forsaken. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith, and trust in his love for us.

Easter Week | Urgent

Are you ready for the coming of the Son of Man? In this message, we explore the urgency of spreading the message of Christ's salvation, as warned in Matthew 24:4-8 and 36-42. Everyone is in the same boat, and it's sinking fast. But there is only one way out, and we don't know when the boat will sink. Join us as we reflect on the importance of sharing the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

God is FOR You | Part 4: God is FOR the Win

As we get ready to wrap this series of "God is For You" with this final message, listen to what Pastor Kendall Bridges has to say about our desirability to win. How competitive would you say you are? Or were? In fact, God wants you to win, but He wants you to win at the important things. We will see that God is not only interested in seeing us victorious from our battles, but He is also interested in seeing us victorious from what matters the most.

God is FOR You | Part 2: God is FOR Your Transformation

Romans 8:12-14 (NIV) - "Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

God loves who we are, but He does not want to leave us like we are. He was wants us to leave changed. He wants us to leave different. He wants us to leave TRANSFORMED. And so, listen as Pastor Kendall Bridges shares this amazing message about how God is for your transformation!

The Meaning of Your Life | Part 6: A Life Well Lived

We've come a long way this past month talking about "The Meaning of Your Life" and going through the Book of Ecclesiastes. And through all that Pastor Kendall Bridges has discussed, he wants you to have a life well lived. As we fast forward into Ecclesiastes, Chapter 12, listen as we look at the ends of Solomon's journey as he himself attempts to find the meaning of life.

The Meaning of Your Life Sermon Series | Part 4: Tough Questions

As we continue reading the Book of Ecclesiastes, we learn some lesson from Solomon that will make our lives better. But surely you all have tough questions that you have faced in life, and that is what Pastor Kendall Bridges has decided to share. Listen as he navigates us through these tough questions posed by Solomon because as followers of Christ we need to be prepared to answer the tough questions that people are always asking.

The Meaning of Your Life | Part 3: The Rhythm of Life

Since the beginning of 2023, we've been talking about the meaning and significance of your life. On this Sunday morning, Pastor Kendall Bridges will open up the book of Ecclesiastes to talk about the rhythm of life. There are days were everything is smooth and graceful, but there are also days where everything seems to fall apart. Nonetheless, these moments that happen within our life are not obstacles or unreasonable interruptions... they are building blocks which you ought to build your lives with.