
Week 1 of the 90 Day Tithe Challenge

I wanted to send a quick letter applauding you for your commitment in taking the 90-Day Tithe Challenge. For some of you, this is your first time to make a commitment to tithing. For others, you are using this time to recommit and start tithing again. And lastly, there are some of you who are using this time to commit to giving over and above your tithe to experience God’s multiplication in your life! Wherever you are in your giving journey, I realize that with every challenge, comes the potential for difficulties.

I want each of you to know that I will not only be praying for you every step of the way, I will be sending you a weekly email with something to encourage you in your walk of faith over the next 90 days! And, although you may face some challenges along the way, as you remain faithful in the face of those challenges, I believe that your faithfulness will position you for some of the greatest blessings that you have ever experienced in your life!
If you have questions about the commitment you have made, you can read our Tithing FAQ sheet by clicking HERE. It will help to provide you with scriptural answers that you may have along the way. However, if at any time during this challenge you have additional questions or become discouraged, I want you to contact me, or one of my staff. We are here to talk with you, pray with you and help you succeed.
Now, before I close, one bit of advice on your journey of generosity. If there is one thing that I have learned over the years, it’s that you can’t expect God to bless unwise choices. So, I encourage you to establish a simple budget to ensure that you are not spending more money than you make, knowing that God expects us to use basic budgeting principles when it comes to our finances.
Please know that I will be praying and believing for God to Throw Open the windows of heaven on your behalf, and pour out so many blessings that you will not have enough room to receive it. And lastly, when those blessings come, I want you to send an email to mystory@findfreedom.church as I would love to hear what God is doing in your life.
Stay Free, Stay Blessed,