
Erica Mincks

Erica Mincks found Freedom Church to be her home away from home when she and husband, Brock, moved to Texas from Missouri. We are so thankful to have them. They have served and poured into others, and in return have received much love and support from many church members.

What started out as a problem area noticed by Erica‘s dentist later turned into years of specialists, treatments, questions, pain, surgeries, and a cancer diagnosis. Walking through this the past few years could have filled Erica with stress and anxiety, but she did not allow fear to take over. She chose to stay connected to God each step along the way. She knows she could not have made it through without Him and now calls it an “amazingly peaceful journey.” Erica is full of peace, joy and strong faith.

Erica‘s testimony is powerful, not just through her cancer journey, but going all the way back to when she decided to walk with Christ in 1998. She has had a consistent desire to grow in her faith and to be obedient to God‘s direction. Erica’s greatest desire is for her kids, Caleb and Milana, to know and love God with all of their hearts.

Erica, thank you for being an example of perseverance with joy to others at Freedom Church and beyond our church walls. We love you and are glad you are part of the Freedom Family!