Today's Bible Reading: John 4, 5, and 6
In chapter 1 we established that you're a spiritual newborn and that you need to mature. So where do you go from here?
It is tragic when, because of a physical affliction, a child fails to mature and mentally remains a baby all his life. It's even more tragic when a person becomes a child of God through salvation and then fails to mature spiritually.
This doesn't have to happen to you. As you follow these suggestions, you can begin to become a strong, mature Christian.
First of all, remember that your spiritual life comes from Jesus Christ, the Son of God. "He that has the Son has life" (1 John 5:12). (This is the Epistle of John toward the end of the Bible, not the Gospel of John.) The preceding verse says, "God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son" (1 John 5:11).
Christ lives in you. Don't forget it.
Receiving life is not enough; you must feed that life. When a baby is born in the natural, it will die unless its parents take care of it. They must feed it and nourish its physical life so it will grow.
This is also true in relation to your new spiritual life.
When you feed it, it will grow; when you neglect it, it will die.
It's as simple as that. It depends on you. Now, what will cause you to grow spiritually? Here are some key recommendations:
Read the Bible
Tomorrow we'll talk more about the Bible. Your use or neglect of the Bible will determine the kind of Christian you will be. This is why we're suggesting that you read three chapters each day this week. Get in the habit of reading the Bible every day. "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby" (1 Peter 2:2).
In chapter 4 we'll talk about the various kinds of prayer and how to pray effectively. The simplest way to describe prayer is that it is talking to God and letting Him talk to us. Make time every day to pray. For many people the best time is the first thing in the morning, before starting daily activities. Talk to Him as you would to a friend- for He is your best friend,
Witness to Others
Tell others about what has happened to you. A witness is someone who tells others about something he or she has learned for him- or herself. If you have learned that Jesus can forgive can forgive, let others know that too.
Witnessing is inviting people to get acquainted with Jesus. Let them know how wonderful your new friend can be to them. Witnessing will make you a stronger Christian.
Attend Church Regularly
If you take a live coal from the fireplace and put it by itself, it will soon go out. In the same way, Christians need the encouragement of other Christians. Listening to the pastor and other mature Christians preach and teach the Word of God, praying with others, singing together, making Christian friendships- these will help you to grow (Hebrews 10:25).
Be Obedient
When God asks you to do or not to do something, obey quickly. Jesus is your Master as well as your Savior. Here is a good rule for deciding what is right or wrong: Will this be pleasing to God? Make this the ruling factor in all you do or say.
Spiritual maturity does not depend on how long you have been saved. If you will follow these simple steps, you will begin to become a mature Christian, one who pleases God and one He can use.
Bible Study for Today:
John 4:10 - What did Jesus offer to give to this woman?
John 4:14 - What will be the result if a person drinks of the water Jesus gives?
John 4:24 - How are we to worship God?
John 5:39 - What advice about the Bible did Jesus give?
John 6:35 - What did Jesus call himself?
Good Verses to Memorize:
John 4:14; 5:24; 6:37