As mentioned in chapter 2, the bible is one of the best ways by which a person can grow spiritually. There are five ways to make the Bible a part of your life.
The bible is often called “the Word” because it is God’s way of communicating with us. We use our words to express ourselves to other’s. God uses the Bible to express himself to us.
Because hearing is one way of receiving the Word of God into our lives, it is important that you form the habit of attending church services as often as possible. There you will hear the pastor and other mature Christians preach and teach the Word of God.
For the habit, too, of sitting near the front of the church, so you will not be distracted. Always take your Bible and look up the passages the speaker refers to. Take notes: it will help you remember helpful points.
Another way to get the Word of God into your life is to read it regularly. The kind of habits we form determine our character, and one of the best habits you can form is to read the Bible every day.
Set a reasonable pace for yourself. Start by reading fifteen minutes in the morning and perhaps the same amount before going to bed at night. Carry a New Testament and read it during lunchtime.
You may want to use a Bible in which you can underline with a pen and perhaps write notes in the margin. See page 35 for suggestions about where to read after you have read the Gospel of John this first time.
Studying takes more time, but is a valuable exercise. A little later In this chapter you will find help on this. For studying you will need a longer period, an hour at least-perhaps some evening you have free.
Notice that each of these suggestions becomes more challenging. But memorization is one way of obeying the verse, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart” (Psalms 119:11)
Start with some of the verses listed in each chapter. First, look at the various parts, noticing what each means. This is very important. Then notice the important words. For example, in Psalm 119:11 the important words are “word,” “hid,” and “heart.” Memorize the references, too.
After you have heard, read, studied, and memorized the Bible, you have something to meditate on. In the many spare moments during the day-working around the house, waiting for an elevator, driving down the street-you can put your mind in gear and meditate on Bible verses you learned. If you can’t sleep at night, try thinking about a passage or verse from the Bible.
There’s nothing mysterious about the Bible. Just think of it as God’s way of talking to you. However, this outline will help you understand any part of the Bible, long or short.
Points. What does this passage
Points. What does this passage or verse say? What are the various parts? What are the subjects it speaks of?
Problems. What does this verse or passage say that you don’t understand? Write down the problems and find the answers later, by your study or by asking another Christian.
Parallels. What similar thoughts are found elsewhere in the Bible? The more you study, the more help you will have here.
Promises. What blessings and helps are stated or implied?
Perils. What warnings do you find?
Precepts. What commends are stated or implied for you to obey?
Bible Study for Today.
John 7:17. What attitude will help a person to know if certain teachings are true?
John 7:37-39. What happens to the one who believes in Jesus?
John 8:31. How can we really be Jesus’ disciples?
John 8:32. What will the truth do for people?
Good Verses to Memorize.
John 7:37; 8:12; 8:32.