
Day 6: What Does God Expect of Me?


Today’s Bible Reading: John 16, 17, 18.

In John 16: 13, you will read that the Holy Spirit “will guide you into all truth.” This truth includes blessings and responsibilities.

It’s all a part of growing up spiritually. In the natural, a child has few responsibilities. But as he matures, he should assume more responsibilities. Let’s review some spiritual responsibilities.

Make Christ the Master.

To express their loyalty to Jesus when He was living on earth, His disciples often called Him “Lord” or “Master.” Jesus accepted this position and said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

As a believer, you now belong to Christ. You did belong to Satan, but Christ bought you with His blood. When we realize how much Jesus has done for us, how He died for us, how He saved us from hell, we are glad for opportunities to show our love for Him by obeying Him.

Put Christ First in Your Life.

Cultivate a sense of Christ’s presence. Talk to Him in prayer – at definite times, such as in the morning and before going to bed, and throughout the day. When reading the Bible, think of it as Jesus talking to you. Make Jesus the center of your life.

Give Christ Your Time.

To mature as a Christian, be sure to attend church regularly, and get involved in church activities as well. Also, establish a time for private devotions (Bible reading, prayer, etc.) and for family devotions, if you have a family. All this takes time, but it will be worth it!

Give Christ Your Abilities.

Everyone can do something. If you have special talents, dedicate them to the Lord’s work. You may want to take training to develop some latent ability. Besides the jobs which call for special talents, there are many other tasks where you can help. Your pastor and other church leaders will be delighted to have you volunteer. Here is a suggestion I’ve found helpful: promise the Lord you will try to do anything you are asked to do.

Give Christ Your Material Possessions.

Everything you posses is from the Lord. Since He owns it all anyways, you cannot really “give” it to Him; however, by tithing – giving a tenth of your income to the church – you will help spread the gospel at home and in foreign nations. While that might sound like a lot, be assured that God will meet your needs as you are faithful to Him.

Become a Member of a Church.

You belong to a new family – the people of God. Show you belong to the family by joining a Bible-believing church. It will give you an increased sense of belonging and will provide an opportunity to help others. Through your church and its ministries, you can reach to the ends of the earth. You will find your church ministering to your own needs too.

Tell Others of Your Faith.

Someone told you about Christ, probably, or you would not be a Christian today. Christ commanded His disciples to tell others (Matthew 28:18-20). As you witness at every opportunity, your greatest thrill will be leading someone else to Christ. Talk to someone about Him every day.

Bible Study for Today.

John 16:7. Why was it necessary for Jesus to go away?
John 16:13-15. Tell two things the Holy Spirit will do.
John 16:33. What will we have in the world? In Christ?
John 17:9. What is Jesus doing for us?
John 18:38. What did Pilate say of Jesus?

Good Verses to Memorize.

John 16:24; 16:33; 17:3; 17:15.
