
Better Marriage Conversation

In this video, Kendall and Starla Bridges share their personal experience of a broken marriage that began with broken lives. They discuss Camille Paglia's book "Sexual Personae" and the critical sign that she documents before the collapse of every society for the past 5,000 years, which is the acceptance of transgenderism. They highlight two critical indicators of the collapse of the nation, the current state of nuclear families and the lack of adequately-educated Americans.

The Bridges emphasize the importance of reading, math, and science in remaining innovative and rebuilding our nation. To have a better marriage, they suggest knowing who you are with God, yourself, and everyone else, and improving yourself by going on new adventures, learning new information through real communication, and getting yourself healthy. Join Kendall and Starla Bridges in their quest to make Better Marriages, Better Families, Better Communities, Better Nation, and ultimately a Better World.