Mary's Messy Christmas

Pastor Kendall discussed two key points related to Mary's messy Christmas:

  1. Christmas Reminds Me That I’m Called By God: Pastor Kendall emphasized the idea that Christmas serves as a reminder of a divine calling. Drawing inspiration from the biblical account of Mary, who received a calling to be the mother of Jesus, the message centers on recognizing and embracing one's own calling or purpose in life. Mary's obedience and acceptance of her calling become a model for individuals to reflect on their own roles in the grander scheme of life.

  2. Christmas Reminds Me That Nothing Is Impossible: The second point focuses on the theme of possibilities during the Christmas season. By referring to Mary's miraculous conception and the birth of Jesus, Pastor Kendall highlighted the message that nothing is impossible with God. This point encourages believers to approach challenges with faith and hope, understanding that the Christmas story symbolizes the overcoming of seemingly insurmountable odds. It serves as an inspiration for individuals to trust in the divine and believe in the potential for positive change and transformation in their lives.